Thursday, April 27, 2006
wat green r u??
You Are Apple Green |
 You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you. And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive. You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way. Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life. |
SpilLeD by b|uE at 12:13:00 pm
1st complain letter...
this is the first time that i have written a complain letter... i'm not being unreasonableor a complain queen... but this kinda hai qun zhi ma should be make known and have appropriate actions taken against this and you will know...::
"To whomever that is going through this feedback form and those who are able to take appropriate actions about the following.
I would like to lodge a complain to a particular salesperson who have worked at your store at Singapore Suntec City at 6.30pm on 23/04/06. The name of the salesperson is Khris, a tanned Chinese of age 17-20.
This is actually the 1st time that I have tried the Fruit Flo. A bad 1st impression I would say.
It may be due to her young age that she is inexperienced. Khris, who happens to be serving my friend and I at that point of time, had the worst service attitude that I’ve encountered. My friend had actually ordered Raspberry Fruit Flo. I do not know what to order. Frankly, I do not know what exactly is a Fruit Flo as the only description that I had was the picture on the top of the store, and from what I heard, it is a dessert made from yogurt ( I assume that it is plain yogurt) and fruits.
I might have pissed her off by taking so long to decide on what I want, resulting in Khris having to ask me what I want. (her exact words was, “ what do you want, miss?”)
I asked her, “ What flavours are there?”
She answered,” You can choose the fruits.” (She did not specify the fruits from the counter.)
I said, “ lemon.”
To her, it might be a joke because her answer was, “ do you see lemon anywhere?” (is this what New Zealand Natural define as customer service??)
Then I said I want that yellow fruit, knowing that is mango. And apparently, she thought it was another joke, as she then answer, “ That, is mango.”
I have made the wrong decision to decide that I would have mango fruit flo. The reason is as follows.
Khris had not washed the mixer after making raspberry fruit flo before making my mango fruit flo. (is this how New Zealand Natural maintain the quality of your products, by letting the flavour mix??)
She did not use a glove to put the biscuit into my food and had collected money using the same hand. (Had she collected money from the previous customer with the same hand that she had used to take my biscuit??)
I had not know that the yogurt used was actually blackforest yogurt, it had actually covered the taste of mango. (or perhaps it was the taste of raspberry fruit that my friend had chosen.)
However, the bad encounter did not end here.
Just out of curiosity, I had went back to ask the other salesgirl that was there if red was suppose to be the colour of my mango fruit flo. Bad-tempered Khris had answered on her behalf that red is the colour of all fruit flos. (pardon my ignorance, but I’d think that the logical presumption of the colour of mango fruit mixed with plain yogurt is yellow.)
Anyway, when I asked Khris what is the flavour of the yogurt used. Her answer was, “ didn’t your friend tell you; we only use blackforest yogurt for fruit flos. (So much for variety.)
The above describes my very first encounter at New Zealand Natural at Suntec City in Singapore.
Should this be the quality that we should be getting even though we are only paying $4 for a regular fruit flo?
Suntec City, being a Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre and where millions of businessmen and women, tourists, and not to mention shoppers pass by everyday, should this be the service attitude and image that New Zealand Natural wants to present??
Thank you for reading the lengthy feedback. However, I do hope to be notified that appropriate actions are being taken so as to increase the quality of the products, to improve the level of hygiene of the handling of stores, and not to mention the service attitude given to consumers. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~whatcha tink???? bad rite?? anw, i've gotten a reply from the relevant departments::
"Firstly, we on behalf of New Zealand Natural would like to apologize for your unhappy experience.
We are currently looking into the matter and would take appropriate action as we view this matter seriously.
Please do give us an opportunity to serve you the original Fruit flo as I will personally see to it that you
receive it as how New Zealand Natural all around the world does. The Mango Fruit flo will be light yellow
in color with a choice of Natural D’lite (low fat, low cholesterol ice cream) or
Mango Passion (fruit yogurt with less than 3% fat).
I will be looking forward to serve you with the New Zealand Natural Experience.
Please forward me your contact number or you can contact me at xxxx-xxxx
Yours sincerely,
Danny Khoo
Senior Operations Manager"
SpilLeD by b|uE at 11:43:00 am