Friday, February 27, 2009

Credits: Getty Images
Facebook, a good tool to update your friends about your life, a good tool for friends to know more about you.
Seeing more and more friends getting married at the tender age of 21, and even have offsprings, I have to grow up too..
Grow up!
SpilLeD by b|uE at 11:50:00 pm
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
MSN nicks in Feb 09
They are telling my story too~10 hours ago
YiAn_: wat happens when you are confronted by the memory that you are not ready to face? | Post a note
11 hours ago
YiAn_: recess week: the time for our professors relax after flooding us with work | Post a note
12 hours ago
YiAn_: recess week: the time for our professors to flood us with work | Post a note
18 hours ago
YiAn_: haphazard | Post a note
1 day ago
YiAn_: Samsung + LG: Imagine if Life's good... | Post a note
2 days ago
YiAn_: Samsung: Imagine | Post a note
2 days ago
YiAn_: Twilight's Eclipse is in my house!! can't wait to get my hands on it~ | Post a note
2 days ago
YiAn_: back to normal | Post a note
5 days ago
YiAn_: optimism is the key to better life. stay happy. i will. thankz | Post a note
5 days ago
YiAn_: the pinched up, whithered feeling in my heart... will it ever go away? | Post a note
5 days ago
YiAn_: elbissop | Post a note
5 days ago
YiAn_: m.u.a., but so? | Post a note
5 days ago
YiAn_: And this belief protected him, at least in his own eyes, from the banality of a lost fortune. | Post a note
5 days ago
YiAn_: prepare to spend 6 hrs on translation | Post a note
6 days ago
YiAn_: 暮鼓晨钟 当头棒喝 | Post a note
6 days ago
YiAn_: 暮鼓晨钟 | Post a note
6 days ago
YiAn_: say what you will, new hairstyle is a new start!!! | Post a note
Feb. 16
YiAn_: 'look at the stars, look how they shine for you' | Post a note
Feb. 14
YiAn_: happy v'dae to everyone else | Post a note
Feb. 13
YiAn_: Friday the 13th - not so bad after all. | Post a note
Feb. 13
YiAn_: Friday the 13th - not so bad after all | Post a note
Feb. 13
YiAn_: Friday the 13th - as bad as ever... not so bad after all | Post a note
Feb. 13
YiAn_: Friday the 13th - as bad as ever | Post a note
Feb. 12
YiAn_: Friday the 13th - as bad as ever?? | Post a note
Feb. 12
YiAn_: painfully disorganised | Post a note
Feb. 11
YiAn_: ultra busy | Post a note
Feb. 9
YiAn_: 探头往往久违的明月吧。今晚,他可是格外的大而圆 | Post a note
Feb. 7
YiAn_: 该放手了,完完全全,彻彻底底,干干净净地 | Post a note
Feb. 6
YiAn_: 该放手了 | Post a note
Feb. 6
YiAn_: 该放手了 | Post a note
SpilLeD by b|uE at 11:47:00 am
Wide awake
Having slept at 4am for four consecutive days, I had been beat in the morning when I went for my marketing project meeting. Two cans of Nescafé cannot pull me out of my drowsiness and set my brain to work. Well, not as well as usual at least.
Now, at 3am, I am positive that my body would thank me if I can put work aside and repay the debts that I have to my sleep. My heart would be thankful if I could forget the memory that confronted me in the MRT today.
The memory. The features of it imprint clearly in my mind. Every cell within me awoke the moment the figure stepped into my line of view, in the MRT train. The strangest thing was, minutes ago, I was just sharing my recent lost ‘fortune’ with my marketing group mate who is going through similar experience that I had with this figure.
The familiarity of this figure set my heart to race, my eyes to blur, and my legs to escape from this iniquity presence. A voice told me to stay put. What wrong did I commit to justify for my urge for immediate escape? I yield to my legs. After all, this wicked figure or even the symbolization of it, had been what I been avoiding.
Confronted by the memory that I am not ready to face, a lowly exit is the only action I was capable of to protect myself from the withered feeling that the presence could induce.
Thank you Shar, for your understanding, and for accompany me while I seek shelter in distance. As the train rushed off, I held back the surge of sorrows and self-pity, and re-buried the memory that the iniquity presence unearthed.
3am. Still wide awake. Emotions unmoved by the snippets of memory that I had knowingly uncovered. Good job. Now cells, go to sleep please.
SpilLeD by b|uE at 2:41:00 am
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I always think very little of Singaporean celebrities. As much as I want to give them my support, few met my approval in terms of personality and professionalism. I would, however, like to share this article that I read today about this Superstar runner-up who broke up with her 3-year relationship. Agree with her stand.
Choosing better path for yourself is more realistic than clinging onto something that will never be yours.
Credit: 19 February 2009
A courageous girl in love - Kelly PoonSnipping the tresses which she has kept for two years, Kelly Poon, now spotting a short funky hairdo, is said to have found courage to breakup with boyfriend of three years, ending the relationship she described as most "realistic".
Kelly met her ex-boyfriend six years ago and they dated for the last three years. Despite having cheated on Kelly three times during those three years, she still held on to the relationship with trust and was silly enough to even sit down for a meal with her rival. The relationship ended in an amicable note when Kelly had to spend a large amount of her time out of Singapore.
"I think I am a courageous girl. To both hold on to a relationship and be so silly, you need courage. Each of us has an angel and a devil who will tell you: hey, you should leave now; you need to let go of this relationship. But many times, you will still persist and try to defend that relationship; I think that really needs courage. So I think when I'm in love, I'm a courageous girl," she described.
"Candid Reminiscences", a hit song in her new album "Smiling Kelly", is about this story of hers.
"I think this (relationship) is most realistic. I gave in many of my "firsts" in this relationship, in terms of emotions. For example, there was the first time I shouted at someone, the first time I cried over a boyfriend and the first time I quarreled with a boyfriend. I'm quite a peaceful person, easy-going and all, but he can actually make me mad and shout at him. I think that's really unforgettable. I'm the kind of girl who will give me a certain timeframe to forget about all unhappiness; this is how we came up with the theme for this album, and "Candid Reminiscences" became the hit song," Kelly recounted.
Before becoming a singer, Kelly was a prestige air stewardess; with the irregular working hours, she had to spend past Valentine's Day overseas with her colleagues.
"I remember some girls will actually receive flowers. Their boyfriends will send bouquets of flowers to their rooms, how romantic! I don't have that kind of experience! For Valentine's Day, I think Paris is still the most romantic. They have this river in the middle of the city district, where couples will sit around hugging and kissing. Though there are many couples and it feels very crowded, the romantic atmosphere is still rich."
Kelly revealed that the biggest bouquet she received for Valentine's Day is one with 12 stalks of white and pink tulips but she has yet to receive any gifts that truly touched her.
"I remember once I went shopping with two of my best female friends and we purposely dressed up and chose a restaurant with many couples in it to wine and dine. The feeling then was a bit like: so what if you have a partner, we single girls can also spend the day together! Haha (Were you girls silently wishing for some single guys to pick you up?) Actually we will think that way in our hearts, but it wasn't outright. Otherwise, why do we dress up so nicely?" Kelly laughed.
For this past Valentine's Day, Kelly was in Malaysia promoting her album. The currently single and available 25-year-old also made public appeal for suitors.
"If anyone wants to date me, it's ok. Just call my company and check out my schedule. My boss actually encourages me to get into a relationship because he feels that love will make one mature. I will not reject any opportunities for a relationship but we still need to see if there are feelings and sparks," she said.
Her ideal boyfriend is a humble man with intelligence and constant desire for improvements. "I'm not very smart so I need a man whom I can look up to and learn from; someone I'll always be amazed over. I'd also very much prefer a humble man who is not very flashy," Kelly revealed.
SpilLeD by b|uE at 11:54:00 pm
其实一切感叹都因为听了2005年MJC SYF Gold 之作:Vivaldi Concerto Allegro & Bridge over Troubled Waters。
SpilLeD by b|uE at 10:57:00 am
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday the Thirteen

Credits to Getty Images
There will be three 'Friday the Thirteen' in 2009. One of it is today of course - 13th February.
Today is a hazy day. My driving instructor commented on it when we were along Changi Road. Indonesia is burning their forests, again. He said. The 90 minutes lesson was filled with frustration. For both of us. Third lesson since I started in December, the skills I learnt from the previous two were long forgotten. "I need more lessons" I told my instructor. "Ok" he said. Following that, at the end of the lesson, he assigned two consecutive lessons for me, two weeks later. Wonderful.
Back to my frustration during driving. I ALMOST langa-ed three times today. Thanks to me rusty skills of negiotiating curves, and (even) driving on straight roads. "Straight roads are not straight. There are bumps everywhere" he told me. I know that of course. But HOW to keep straight?! That's my question,W. "You just have to look FaaaR ahead. As far as possible." Of course, if I look far far far ahead, I would be able to fly over multiple bumps that are almost invisible to bare and inexperienced eyes. It's ok, by the end of the lesson, I found out that it's really about 'feeling' your car and experiencing the ride. No thanks to my driving instructor of course.
But of course I have to thank him for stepping on the spare brake on the passenger side time and time again and turning my steering wheel to help me negotiate my turning. I will practice more and pass the practical test first time round, W.
Yep, that was how I spent my first Friday the Thirteen. The next one will be on 13th March, and the third one on 13th November. Have fun everyone.
SpilLeD by b|uE at 10:28:00 pm